What To Expect When Your Business Uses Aqua Ammonia

Aqua ammonia is a product that is primarily used as a cleaning agent. It can be used as a cleaning agent by itself but is most often used in combination with other cleaning agents. There are several ways in which your business can use it to create successful cleaning products. 

Cleaning Agents That Most Often Use Aqua Ammonia

The most common reason for using aqua ammonia is as a window cleaner. You can use the typical concentration of aqua ammonia, or you can have it custom-blended based on the needs of your business. It is considered to be a weak base and does not ionize as completely in water as stronger bases do. 


In some cases, aqua ammonia can be corrosive. It may damage copper, copper alloys, galvanized surfaces, and aluminum alloys. Therefore, this must be taken into consideration when developing cleaning products for specific surfaces.

How the Aqua Ammonia Smells

Some companies choose to not add fragrances to the odor of aqua ammonia. However, to improve its odor, ingredients can be added to give it a lemon or pine smell. While it has a strong smell, it is also a smell that homeowners come in contact with frequently and may be used to. 

Using Aqua Ammonia

Because the ammonia is dissolved in liquid, it is ready to use and is more practical and easier to transport. Ammonia is a naturally occurring substance and is not harmful in low concentrations. In high concentrations, it can cause skin irritation and can also irritate the eyes, throat, and lungs. 

When your company begins to use ammonia, the company that sells the ammonia to you can provide you with a training program so that your employees can be safe. OSHA has guidelines for how much ammonia a worker can be safely exposed to. 

The Creation of Aqua Ammonia

Anhydrous ammonia is dissolved in water. A softening or deionizing water is necessary to create the product. The ammonia is injected and is then circulated through a cooler. This prevents the temperature from rising. Solids are then removed using a filter. 

The final ammonia concentration needs to be inspected to make sure that it meets all standards. The color and clarity will be inspected to make sure that the ammonia was properly filtrated. Any trace elements are analyzed by an outside laboratory. Because of the measures taken to create aqua ammonia, you can be more confident in the quality of the cleaner.
