Protecting Your Porcelain Bathtub From Wear

If you just moved into a home that has an old porcelain tub in the bathroom, it is likely you will want to take steps in protecting its finish so it lasts for as long as possible. Older porcelain tubs will require you to do routine cleaning and polishing procedures to keep the finish intact. Here are some tips you can use to keep your porcelain tub in the best of condition.

Take Time To Clean Each Week

Failing to do regular cleaning of your porcelain bathtub will lead to a grungy film upon its surface. It is best to clean your tub at least once a week to help in avoiding a build-up of dirt inside. Avoid using harsh abrasive cleaning agents as they can lead to scratching of the porcelain as a result. Stick with a mild cleaner made especially for porcelain. Use a non-abrasive sponge to disperse the agent on the porcelain and allow it to sit for several minutes to help saturate any dirt present. Use a piece of microfiber cloth to remove the soapy solution from the porcelain. This will also aid in keeping the cleaning agent out of your septic system.

Do More Extensive Cleaning To Remove Stains

In addition to regular cleaning, a deeper cleaning session should be done to remove debris and stains. Mix equal parts of ammonia and baking soda in a bucket and add some warm water to the solution. This solution works well at removing stains from a porcelain tub that has been sitting for a while. Apply with a soft piece of cloth or a non-abrasive sponge. A clean piece of cloth can be used to dry the area after stains are removed.

Protect Porcelain From Unnecessary Scratching

When using a porcelain tub, it is best to refrain from using items that could cause scratching to the tub's surface. Do not bring sharp or hard objects into the tub as they could cause nicks in the porcelain if they are rubbed across or dropped upon the porcelain. When using bath toys, make sure they are constructed of plastic rather than wood or stone to minimize the chance of scratching. Rubber grippers or a rubber mat can be positioned on the bottom portion of the tub to aid in keeping it protected from flaws as well.

Add A Layer Of Protective Shine To Improve Appearance

A bit of lemon oil can be used to improve the shine of porcelain. Simply add this liquid to a piece of soft cloth and rub it across the exterior sides of the tub to make it glisten. It is best to avoid using lemon oil in the area where you will be standing as it will cause the porcelain to become rather slippery. If a porcelain tub is in need of a visual improvement, a call to a service to add a new layer of glaze to the tub can be beneficial.

There are many different tub manufacturers that you can work with to find the right tub for your home.
